Explore the solar-specific features of GPM Horizon

Comprehensive tracking and monitoring of solar asset performance for multi-level portfolios.

Data in a matter of seconds

Access constructive insights, module dashboards and customizable reports in real-time.


Save time by easily identifying issues and anomalous trends.

Monitor performance

Receive automatic alerts about anomalous component conditions and monitor performance over customized time periods.

Data studio

Easily download any dataset.


Save time with fhe flexibility to quickly customize your asset performance reports.

Understand your losses

Use cutting-edge technologies to supervise and analyze alarms while keeping a log of assets.

Monitor and track losses

Allocate, break down and compare losses at site and portfolio level.

Customize loss groups

Customize the grouping of controllable or uncontrollable losses for each unique variable in your site.


Create reports directly in a single click.

Make the numbers add up

Evaluate your production and revenues against precise budgets, taking into account losses from multiple sources.

Budget follow-up

Automatically track your revenues using live readings.


Understand your short-term production

and optimize maintenance planning.

Automated insights

Receive daily updates on solar portfolio issues using advanced analytics algorithms.

Track and troubleshoot

Identify and categorize significant losses and solutions.


Create tickets directly in the 0&M’s preferred CMMS and consolidate findings in a single platform.

Track and manage

Keep a track of pending tasks and manage new and existing findings.

Gain precision insights into the health of your solar plants with GPM Horizon’s comprehensive toolkit.

Web application

Holistic view of your

Mobile application

All relevant information
at your fingerprints

Customizable reports

Build asset performance reports within minutes

Automated insights

Valuable findings powered by advanced analytics to achieve high cost savings

GPM Horizon is the ideal solution for your solar asset management objectives

Download the brochure and discover more!

How do you choose the ideal Horizon modules to optimize energy production?

Subscribe exclusively to the modules aligned with your asset management objectives. GPM Horizon seamlessly integrates with second-level SCADA and DAS systems.